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 Martín-Alcoff, Linda. “The Problem of Speaking for Oth-  lonial and Post-colonial Peruvian Geography.” Social

 ers.” Who Can Speak? Authority and Critical Identity.   Research 60.2 (1993): 301-36. Impreso.

 Eds. Judith Roof and Robyn Wiegman. Urbana and

 Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1995. 97-119.   Platero-Méndez, Raquel. “The Limits of Equality. The In-

 Impreso.         tersectionality of Gender and Sexuality in Spanish Pol-

                  icy Making.” Kvinder, Køn & Forskning 1 (2007): 33-

 Martínez-Carazo, Cristina. “Cine e inmigración: Madrid   49. Impreso.

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 sentación en Extranjeras de Helena Taberna”. Hispanic   Quijano, Aníbal. “Colonialidad del poder, cultura y co-

 Research Journal 6.3 (2005): 265-75. Impreso.   nocimiento en América Latina”.  Dispositio/n 24.51

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 McClintock, Anne. Imperial Leather. Race, Gender and Sexu-

 ality in the Colonial Contest. New York-London: Rout-  Sanjinés, Javier. “Subalternity and the Articulation of Cul-

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                  147-63. Impreso.

 Mohanty, Chandra Talpade. “Under Western Eyes: Femi-

 nist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses.” Third World   Spivak, Gayatri. “Can the Subaltern Speak?” Colonial Dis-

 Women and the Politics of Feminism. Eds. Chandra Tal-  course and Post-colonial Theory: A Reader. Eds. Patrick

 pade Mohanty, Ann Russo y Lourdes Torres. Bloomin-  Williams y Laura Chrisman. New York & London:

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 Muñoz-Díez, Luis. “Entrevista a Isabel de Ocampo”. Tra-  Vargas-Llosa, Mario. Travesuras de la niña mala. Madrid:

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 Oboler, Suzanne. “Los que llegaron: 50  Years of South

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 Latino Studies 3 (2005): 42-52. Impreso.

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