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 Dietz, Rob and Dan O’Neill. Enough Is Enough. Building a

 Sustainable Economy in a World of Finite Resources. San   Meadows, Donella et al. The Limits to Growth. New York:

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 Douthwaite, Richard. The Growth Illusion: How Econom-  Moreno-Caballud, Luis. “La imaginación sostenible: cultu-

 ic Growth Enriched the Few, Impoverished the Many   ras y crisis económica en la España actual.” Hispanic

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         Ortega, Noel. “What Piketty Forgot.” Foreign Policy in Fo-

 Illich, Ivan. Tools of Conviviality. Glasgow: Collins, 1975.   cus (June 18, 2014). Web. n/p. 18 sep. 2015. <http://


 Kallis, Giorgos et at. “The Economics of Degrowth.” Eco-  Piketty, Thomas. Capital in the Twenty-First Century. Trans.

 logical Economics 84 (2012): 172-180. Impreso.  Arthur Goldhammer. Cambridge: Belknap Press,

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 Latour, Bruno. “Agency at the Time of the Anthropocene.”

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