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Cultura y política en la tradición
liberal española.
Tres momentos —Ortega (1929),
Aranguren (1953), la Transición
(1975)— y un epílogo (15-M)
Óscar Pereira Zazo | University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Para Louise y Tony Zahareas
We have on the one hand an isolated cultural sphere,
believed to be freely and unconditionally available
to weightless theoretical speculation and investiga-
tion, and, on the other, a debased political sphere,
where the real struggle between interests is sup-
posed to occur. To the professional student of cul-
ture —the humanist, the critic, the scholar— only
one sphere is relevant, and, more to the point, it is ac-
cepted that the two spheres are separated, whereas the
two are not only connected but ultimately the same.
Edward W. Said, Culture and Imperialism
ultura y política. El epígrafe de Said no se inclu-
Cye aquí para avanzar una supuesta tesis que este traba-
jo se encargaría a continuación de desarrollar o ejemplifi-
car, sino más bien para ayudar a crear un trasfondo común
a los distintos análisis que se van a presentar. Por cierto, no
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Revist a de alces XXI Número 0 , 2012